11 March 2013


No, Isaiah, I'm not a hipster. But I love tea. I have a twelve ounce mug of the stuff every single day. Chai, black, oolong, green, white, I enjoy it all.
There's something awesome about a hot cup of tea at about 11:00 in the morning. I manage to stretch it out for about an hour, savoring its complex flavors while doing my schoolwork. It contains a little less caffeine than coffee, so something like Chai is a great coffee alternative if you have to go low-caffeine. And I like the whole process of heating the water, measuring out the leaves, and waiting for it to steep.

If you're looking for a great place to get some tea, check out designatea.com. They offer delicious custom tea blends for very reasonable prices. And no, this post is not a paid advertisement.

If you feel trouble brewing, or your temper is beginning to boil, you can usually solve most of your problems by spending a half hour over a cup of hot tea. It's sure to stimulate your creativitea, bring about a sense of tranquilitea, and inspire some originalitea. I guarantea it. (I couldn't resist sticking that in there. My apologies.)

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